Student interns arrive directly at the host business via public transportation (if available in your community) or other independent means (i.e. not a school bus).  If possible, they should not report to the high school for any reason while they are in Project SEARCH. Their day includes approximately 1.5 hours of the Project SEARCH Employability Skills curriculum and 5 hours at their internship (including lunch and travel time to the internship sites). To be eligible for Project SEARCH, the students should be finished with their high school credit requirements for graduation, certification, or completion so that they will be able to focus their entire day on gaining competitive and marketable work skills.

Typical Project SEARCH Daily Schedule (This is a template and can be modified to fit local transportation and other site-specific needs).  The student interns should be on site at least 6.5 hours.  Most Project SEARCH programs have a training room at the host business that serves as a home base for the program and is where the employability skills curriculum is taught.

7:50 am Arrival at host business site

8:00 am Project SEARCH Employability Skills Curriculum

9:00 am Internships – learning specific competitive, marketable skills at actual host business work sites.

11:30 am Lunch

12:00 noon Internships (continued)

2:00 pm Return to classroom, review of day, journaling,

2:30 pm Adjournment for day