Partner Personnel and Supports Source of Funding
Education Instructor, curriculum, supplies (sometimes a Teacher’s Assistant or paraprofessional) FTE for each student from state and local funding.

(Typically need 8–12 student interns to pay for an instructor)

Vocational Rehabilitation Sponsors student interns to support skills training and job development.  (This is true in many states; however, some states will not fund skills training for young adults still in high school). State/Federal funding – Student interns must be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation.
Community Rehabilitation Partner Provides skills training and job development Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid, WIA, etc.
Developmental Disability Agency (Long-Term Service Provider) Provides long-term employment support for retention and career advancement Possible sources:

Medicaid Waiver

DD Support

CMH Board


Business Business Liaison (approximately 10% FTE); onsite classroom/training room; internship sites; hosting of some marketing events, such as open houses and fairs.  Typically the Business Liaison is a manager of a large department or from Human Resources, Training and Development, etc. In-Kind